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Why Students can make the best Tenants

No Need to Shudder hearing the Term 'Student Tenant' There are some landlords out there who shudder when they hear the term ‘student tenant’ but most landlords understand the reasons why an HMO of students is a wise choice. Students often get a bad rap, but you’d be surprised how responsible student tenants can be, given the chance. Offering a clean HMO that is up to date on repairs and maintenance can give student tenants a home that they’ll want to take care of. But Why choose to Rent to Students? The first and foremost reason why landlords like to rent to students is because student lets generally lead to better yields. When you can rent all of the bedrooms in your house separately then you’re going to bring in more income. One might argue that renting a shared accommodation to young professionals would also lead to a higher yield and that is true, to an extent. Young professionals are just starting out in their working life and, chances are, they won’t be living ...

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